
About Keri Mesropov

Founder and Executive Director of Spring

My passion is to steward people and their talent, and I am moved when people bloom professionally. With more than 30+ years in non-profit executive leadership and talent development, I have an accumulation of real experience that has informed the tools, frameworks, offerings and values of Spring.

For the last several years, I have focused my metaphorical binoculars on Gen Z, studying their persuasions, ignitors, inhibitors, habits and interests. I am inspired by them … and nervous for them. And most importantly, I am galvanized to help them cultivate their strengths, so they—and the world they create—can thrive.

About Spring

Cultivating the youngest generation of leaders and the companies that hire them.

I founded Spring to help Gen Z grow into effective, successful new-world leaders, to give them the confidence and skills to make the biggest impact possible.

Through Spring’s offerings, Gen Z leaders will:

  • Cultivate a high level of emotional literacy

  • Foster their innate curiosity, so they learn to investigate and ask questions

  • Master how to engage in conflict productively and confidently

  • Develop a credible, informed presence

  • Build their higher-order critical-thinking skills so they can observe, interpret and apply data

  • Move beyond “me” to “we” and discover how their values can best serve their organization or community

Gen Z has incredible potential. With Spring’s cultivation and guidance, they can achieve greatness.