
Give your event attendees expert guidance on how to grow multi-generational workplaces and onboard Gen Z with optimism and optimization.

Photo: Adam Kissick/APAP

Watch Keri’s Reel

Keri’s Keynote Topics

Keri focuses on illuminating Gen Z’s persuasions, ignitors, inhibitors, habits and interests. Learn how to foster a multi-generational workplace and cultivate effective, successful Gen Z employees. Keri customizes her keynote to each audience, building off these popular topics:

Who the Hell Is Gen Z? Defining the Next Generation, Their Ignitors and Inhibitors—and What They Need to Succeed

Create a Culture of Experimentation: How to Shape and Sharpen Your Company Culture by Building Your Own Experiment Lab  

The Data-Driven Case for Multi-Generational Workplaces: Do More than Survive—Thrive

Keri also speaks about creative resilience

Book Keri