Launching the Next Generation of Leaders and Cultivating Multi-Generational Workplaces

A talent development agency sprouting multi-generational workplaces and Gen Z leaders through workshops, culture studies, cohort advisories, 1:1 consultancies, and a human-centric lab for research and development.

Keri Mesropov presenting to a group of young people in a conference room

How can we steward Gen Z to meet the challenges of today?

We are in a time of radical evolution and transformation. We face issues of scale and scope that at times seem insurmountable. 

On to this scene comes Gen Z. Born in 1997 and after, they are entering adulthood amid uncertainty and turmoil. 

They are creative, passionate and entrepreneurial. They value justice and equity. They are different, and they want a different world. 

But for Gen Z to drive transformative change, they need confidence, emotional intelligence, critical-thinking skills, and advanced social workplace savvy. Skills they have not had the chance to develop in a world where they have been isolated, insulated and managed.

Spring exists to effectively launch Gen Z leaders into the professional world, giving them the guts and clear eyes needed to unlock and accelerate themselves. 

Through data-driven self discovery, talent growth advisory services, bespoke “soft-skill” training and executive coaching, Spring equips the next generation of leaders to tackle the challenges facing the world today.

Spring also prepares the employers of Gen Z to onboard them with optimism and optimization.

Spring provides employers with the tools, data and mindsets to effectively receive this young cohort into the workplace, to productively work with them, mentor them, and appreciate them. They are, afterall, our successors.

The success of our young people is a two-way street: they must level up their skills, and we must foster their ability to do so. 

Join Spring in empowering these young changemakers to create the biggest impact possible on their world, our world.

Photo: Adam Kissick/APAP

About Keri

My passion is to steward people and their talent, and I am moved when people bloom professionally. With more than 30+ years in non-profit executive leadership and talent development, I have an accumulation of real experience that has informed the tools, frameworks, offerings and values of Spring.

For the last several years, I have focused my metaphorical binoculars on Gen Z, studying their persuasions, ignitors, inhibitors, habits and interests. I am inspired by them … and nervous for them. And most importantly, I am galvanized to help them cultivate their strengths, so they—and the world they create—can thrive.

I have no doubt that my leadership growth has been hyper-fueled by Keri’s thought-partnership. Leadership can be solitary, and Keri has become my accountability buddy. With her bespoke and candid recommendations, I have become a more impactful leader because of her guidance.
— Bryan, Vancouver
Throughout our time together, I’ve seen not only Keri’s incredible collaborative skills but also her thoughtful leadership abilities. She has a way of fostering community and motivating a team to deliver high-quality work in an inclusive, exciting environment.
— Katelyn, Minneapolis
Keri is an invaluable sounding board on everything from staffing to ‘managing up,’ helping me build my cases on the firm foundation of data. She has helped me be a better coach for my trusted team and a better sounding board for my boss.
— Jennifer, Boston
Keri’s mentorship has allowed me to grow within my role tenfold. None of what I have achieved would have been possible had it not been for the work I did with Keri and her team.
— Aimee, Pittsburgh


Let’s connect! If you’d like me to speak at your event, work with you or your organization, or hear your hopes for and expectations of Gen Z, you can find me:


